Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chickpea Salad Sandwiches

Are you one of those people who says, "Oh, I would like to be vegan, but I don't think I could do it" or "I don't think I could give up [this or that]"?  Well, if you haven't tried chickpea salad sandwiches, then you haven't even given yourself a fighting chance.

This is the Chickpea of the Sea sandwich from The Kitchn, with a couple changes.  I use Vegenaise (a mayo replacement so awesome I can eat it by the spoonful), of course, and I use red wine vinegar instead of the umeboshi with no problem (no umeboshi vinegar to be had around here right now, though I hope to try it one of these days).  I have also never added the cayenne, and I always throw in about a teaspoon of Kala Namak, or Indian black salt, which smells like you would never want to put it on food, but it tastes so much like egg, it's unbelievable.  I love that stuff in this sandwich, and in tofu scrambles.

I put onion sprouts and lettuce on this version of the sandwich.  And, for some reason, I made a handful of potato chips instead of the sandwich the focal point of the photo...

This sandwich is awesome.  I make it at least a couple times a month.  It's particularly easy with canned chickpeas, but if you make them from dried in the crockpot, you can get them plenty soft enough to mash easily.  TRY IT!


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